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Step 1-  Install Software Step 2 - Attach Drives Step 3 - Restore Disk Step 4 - Complete

Step 3: Performing a Disk Restore

  1. Launch Copy+ by selecting Start, Programs and Copy+. Alternatively you can use the desktop icon, if you requested one during the install process. You should be presented with the following screen:

    The main screen

  2. Select "XTV backup image file" as the source drive for the copy:

    Select XTV Backup

  3. An Open dialogue box will appear to enter the name of the backup file:

    Open dialogue box

    Locate the backup image file containing the recordings you wish to restore, and click "Open".

  4. When you have selected a source image file, the planner window will populate with a list of recordings found in the file. Please note that the order of the recordings should be sorted by recording date. You can change the sort order and field by clicking the column headings:

    A list of recordings

  5. Select a destination disk for the copy from the "Destination Drive" drop down box.

    Select the destination drive

    If the drive is not listed, check that your have installed the drive correctly, and that it is been initialized via Disk Management. If the drive already contains partitions, delete them in Windows Disk Management first - Be sure you select the correct disk! For safety reasons Copy+ never deletes existing partitions, and will only allow an un-partitioned, initialised drive as the destination for a copy.

  6. If you wish to change the size of the partition during the copy, use the spin control next to Size to increase the partition size.

    Changing the partition size

    The disk size defaults to the smaller of 250GB and the actual size of the destination drive, but you can change it if you want.

    For standard Sky+ boxes: Be particularly careful if you select a size over 250GB, as it is not known what the upper supported drive size is for different Sky+ boxes. For reliable operation keeping the partition size to 250GB or below is recommended.

    For HD Sky boxes: The Sky HD box appears to support drives up to at least 750GB, so you can select whatever size you like.

  7. If you do not want to copy all your recordings to the new drive, you can choose which particular recordings you want to copy. Please see Selecting Recordings to Copy for further details.

  8. When you are happy to begin click the "Start Copy" button:

    Start the copy

    Note that the Start Copy button will be greyed out until you have selected a valid Source and Destination drive, and there is sufficient space on the destination to contain all the recordings selected for copying.

  9. If the partition size you selected was above is over 270GB you will receive an additional warning message at this point - Please read the message carefully. This warning only applies to standard Sky+ boxes (not the new Sky HD).

  10. A dialogue will appear asking you if you are sure you want to continue with the copy. Select "OK" in the confirmation dialogue if you are sure, otherwise select "Cancel".

  11. During the copy process a progress bar will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. The amount of time taken to perform the copy will depend on the size of the disk, and the number and length of the recordings being copied. An estimated time to completion is show bottom right. The software only copies actual recordings (not the entire drive) so copying will be a lot quicker with a mostly empty drive than with a completely full one.

  12. While a programme is copying it will turn blue in the planner view. When the copy is complete the background will turn green indicating a successful copy.

    Copying in progress

  13. When the restore is complete you will see the Data File Conversion screen. Normally you do not need to perform a data conversion unless you are transferring your recordings to a different box from the source disk. Please see the Data File Conversion help if you require further assistance.

  14. When the copy is complete, shutdown your PC.

Next Step 4: Returning Copied Drive to Sky Box

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Sky and Sky+ are trademarks of BSkyB. XTV is the trademark of NDS Limited. This site and the Copy+ software is copyright © Stuart William McConnachie. +Extract is copyright © Neil Balloch. Site design is by David Artiss. is checked by McAfee SiteAdvisor, Norton Safe Web and Browser Defender and does not contain any spyware, adware, or viruses. / 0.001 / instructions33.php / Haunter